The land owner who is a joint venture partner of Texas Land Buys have been in business in Texas for more than 30 years. We employ a staff of trained professionals who are well-versed in all facets of land acquisition including zoning, taxes, deed restrictions and comparable properties. Our goal is to make the dream of land ownership a reality for all Americans by offering quality properties at affordable prices. Excellent customer service is our highest priority, from initial contact and beyond, through the years of enjoyment of your land. Texas Land Buys' joint venture partner Sunset Ranches is a proud member in good standing with the BBB in El Paso, Texas and South Florida, maintaining an A+ rating and has pledged to observe the highest ethical standards of business practice. As a customer of Texas Land Buys you can be assured that your purchase will be one that you will treasure.
Wanting to get away from it all? This beautiful property will give you conveniences only 15 minutes from your property and still unbelievable privacy and no zoning which means city restrictions are gone. 20 Acres in the perfect setting for your Off Grid Homestead. No Zoning, Use Your Land For...
20 acres in our beautiful Blue Quail 3 ranch. Premium location on the corner. You will have two road access points into your property. Only $299/Mo. You will only be a little over 3 miles from the paved road. $595 Down with Owner Financing. No Credit Checks. Ask Pam how to save $9000 off of your...
20 Acres with mountains. Have your own privacy with no zoning on your land. Get away from all the city rules and regulations. West Texas is the area where you can make your dreams come true. Only $299/Mo. Live on your land the entire time that you make payments and use it for anything you want....
Are you tired on city restrictions and zoning? Get to West Texas now where you can live in Freedom with no zoning. Use your guns to target practice on your land and no one will say a thing. You won't even a building permit to build absolutely anything. Even live in an RV year around. Freedom AT...
Only $299/Mo. $595 Down with Owner Financing, No Credit Checks. Contact Pam Today and Own Today with DocuSign. Only minutes from the paved highway and then only 15 minutes from I-10. Own this amazing piece of land in our Blue Quail 2 Ranch. Simple purchase process. Save $9000 off of this sales...
Mountains, Mountains, Mountains. Are you wanting mountain views? This 20 acres has you covered. You will have panoramic mountain views from this property. Plus...You'll only be 8 miles from the paved state Hwy FM 1111. Only 15 minutes from conveniences such as post office, bank, gas, food. Have...
Get Away From The Crowds & Enjoy The Clean Crisp Air Of West Texas. Really Special, Land. End Of Cul-De-Sac. This Property Is In The Very Back Corner Of The Ranch With University Cattle Ranch On Two Sides (Never To Be Developed). 4 Wheel Vehicle Recommended. Enjoy The Peaceful Remote Living While...
20 Acres in Beautiful West Texas. This wonderful property sits right on the county road in our Blue Quail 2 ranch and near state paved Hwy FM 1111. Beautiful property with mountains to the south of the property. Only $299/Mo. $0 Down with Owner Financing. No Credit Checks. Ask me how to save $9000...
Are you looking for land with no zoning and very little restrictions? You've found it. Here you get 20 acres with no zoning. Use it for anything you like right after purchase. Live on the land while making payments. Perfect property for homesteading. Great for goats, chickens, greenhouses, etc....
20 Acres on Big Tank county road. This property is perfect for a homestead or for ranching or both. Property is surrounded by mountains with amazing views and even better sunsets. You will enjoy amazing privacy. Only $299/Mo. $0 Down with Owner Financing. No Credit Checks or qualifying. All credit...
20 Acres ON County Maintained Road With Electric. Build Your Dream House OR Use For R/V. Camping Etc. Amazing Mountain Views, With The Wide-Open Spaces OF West Texas. ASK HOW TO Save $9,000...Buy Now. This excellent property will sell quickly. On county road with Electric. Beautiful Mountain Views....
20 Acres with Electricity + Power Pole on the land. All you have to do is hook up. Only $369 per month, $0 Down with Owner Financing. Perfect homestead with level land and beautiful mountain views. Great for chickens, goats, cows and horses. Use for anything you want with no zoning. Mountains...
ON Paved HWY 1111 With Electric Pole ON Land. Last ONE Available. Use NOW For Home, Business OR Both. Only 15 MIN From City & Interstate 10. Great Investment. ASK HOW TO Save $9,000. BUY Now, Last ONE OF Its Kind. 20 acres of beautiful pristine land with spectacular Mountain views in the Great...