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Humboldt County Nevada Fishing Lots for Sale by Owner

5 Acres in Humboldt County, NV : Golconda : Humboldt County : Nevada

This 5 Acre Parcel is adjacent to BLM Land (to the North) and situated roughly 5 miles from Dwight D. Eisenhower Hwy (80) and the town of Golconda in the Southeastern Corner of Humboldt County, Nevada. Located in Northwest Nevada, Humboldt County offers wide open spaces, beautiful mountains and...

5 Acres : $10,599

5 Acres in Humboldt County, NV

Golconda : Humboldt Co : Nevada

Ross Amato : Dollar Land Store

.16 Ac Golconda, Humboldt County : Winnemucca : Humboldt County : Nevada

This 0.16 Acre Parcel is Located in the town of Golconda, Nevada on the corner of Pearl Ave and Third Street. It is situated roughly 1 mile from Dwight D. Eisenhower Hwy (80) and 17.3 miles from the town of Winnemucca in the Southeastern Corner of Humboldt County, Nevada. Located in Northwest...

0.16 Acre : $6,499

.16 Ac Golconda, Humboldt County

Winnemucca : Humboldt Co : NV

Ross Amato : Dollar Land Store