Your 0.63 Acre Playground Awaits
Timberon, NM 88350
Otero County, New Mexico
Lot Description
Owner Financing:
- $100 down (plus the $250 doc fee)
- $100 down $135/Mo for 68 months (plus prorated taxes and a $12/Mo note maintenance fee)
If you're the kind of person who thrives on adventure, where the road less traveled is your preferred path, this 0.63-Acre property in the stunning mountains near Timberon, New Mexico is your ultimate playground. Surrounded by the raw beauty of the Lincoln National Forest, this land is your launchpad for endless outdoor activities.
Located at about 250 miles of Albuquerque, NM you're close enough to enjoy the conveniences of modern life, but far enough to feel completely disconnected when you need to be. Whether you're planning an ATV adventure, a weekend of mountain biking, or just a peaceful escape, this land is your gateway to it all.
Are you ready to start your next adventure?
Subdivision: Timberon 13
Street Address: N/A, near Timberon, NM 88350
State: Nm
COUNTY: Otero County, Nm
Zip: 88350
Size: 0.63 acre
Apn: 11O478
Lot Dimensions: 219 feet (NW Leg) x 154 feet (SW Leg) x 211 feet (SE Leg) x 111 feet (NE Leg)
Legal Description: Subd: Timberon 13 Lot 6 Block 173
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 32.635072, -105.670352
Ne: 32.634820, -105.670157
Sw: 32.634444, -105.670671
Se: 32.634774, -105.670968
Additional Coordinates:
North: 32.635072, -105.670352
East: 32.634820, -105.670157
South: 32.634444, -105.670671
West: 32.634774, -105.670968
Annual Taxes: Approx. $35 per year
ZONING: Residential - All lots in Timberon Subdivision, Unit 13 are designated as Residential Area. None of the lots shall be re-subdivided. Contractors may use temporary buildings during the course of construction, and travel trailers may be used as temporary residences for a period of up to 30 days if not connected to a water line or septic system, or if connected, such travel trailers may be used for a period of 180 days out of any one-year period. Such travel trailers must be removed from the lot during the remaining balance of each year. Trailers, mobile homes, modular homes, manufactured homes, movable structures and pull to units shall be permitted if: The minimum ground floor area, exclusive of porches and garages shall be 850 sq ft. The minimum width unit shall be 20 feet. Each unit shall have a pitched roof with eaves of not less than 12 inches. Each unit must be skirted with a visually attractive material of color and consistency. The exterior walls of each unit must be covered with stucco, brick, stone, or other veneer material. Each member shall automatically be a member of the Timberon Poa. No basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuildings shall at any time be used as a residence nor shall any residence of a temporary character be erected or permitted to remain. For more information, please contact the Timberon Development Council.
Building Information
• Time Limit to Build: 1 year
• Site Built Homes Allowed: Yes
• Modular Homes Allowed: Yes
• Manufactured Homes Allowed: Yes
• Mobile Homes Allowed: Yes
• Tiny Homes Allowed: No, minimum ground floor area, exclusive of porches and garages shall be 850 sq ft.
Allowable Uses
• Full-Time RV Living: No
• RV on the property while you build: Yes. Temporary residences for a period of up to 30 days if not connected to a water line or septic system, or if connected, such travel trailers may be used for a period of 180 days out of any one-year period.
• Camping in a RV: Yes
• Camping in a Tent: No
FLOOD Zone: No
HOA/POA: The property is within Timberon 13 and has governing covenants for Timberon Unit 13.
Improvements: None
ACCESS: Currently, there is no road to the property.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
Lot Maps & Attachments
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0.2 AC : $11.6K
2.1 AC : $16.5K
2.5 AC : $10.9K
10 AC : $11.9K
1.5 AC : $18.2K
1.5 AC : $18.5K
5 AC : $14.2K
0.6 AC : $19.8K
2.5 AC : $22K