Start Small, Dream Big
Willcox, AZ 85643
Cochise County, Arizona
Lot Description
Subdivision: Twin Lakes Country Club
STREET Address: N/A, Willcox, AZ 85643
State: Az
COUNTY: Cochise County, Az
Zip: 85643
Size: 0.25 acres
LOT Dimensions: 137 feet x 81 feet
Apn: 203-58-669
Legal Description: Twin Lakes Country Club Unit 12 Lot 6429
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: N: 32.237830, -109.836791
Ne: E: 32.237644, -109.836413
Sw: S: 32.237450, -109.836541
Se: W: 32.237639, -109.836922
Elevation: 4,160 ft
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $24 per year
ZONING: Residential - Temporary occupancy of one RV in conjunction with a permitted principal use up to six months in a calendar year with a required Temporary Use Permit; stays of 15-consecutive days or less do not require a permit.
Any building/use permit issued shall be valid without renewal, for a period of 24-months; however, the County Zoning Inspector may, upon written request of the permittee prior to the expiration of the permit, extend the time limit for the permit once for an additional 12-months provided substantial progress has been made.
You can build anything for residential purposes such as Single Family, Mobile or Manufactured home. Please contact Cochise County Planning & Zoning for additional information.
Flood Zone A: Areas with a 1% annual chance of flooding and a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage. Because detailed analyses are not performed for such areas; no depths or base flood elevations are shown within these zones.
ACCESS: There is a proposed dirt road on the NW portion of the lot but it is not yet built.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
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