Off Grid Haven
Concho, AZ 85924
Apache County, Arizona
Lot Description
Due to the large number of sunny days, good soil and an exceptionally clean water source, the properties around Concho are attracting families and active retirees looking for an eco-conscious lifestyle. Tiny houses are welcome.
This is a beautiful approximately 1 acre property, Lot 404 in Unit 3 of the undeveloped subdivision of Concho Lakeland. Located about 9 miles south of Concho, although it is a rustic location it is readily reached from Highway 61 to the west.
Only about 13% of the land in Apache County is privately owned. The rest is Native American land and publicly owned land. Bureau Of Land Management and state owned land adds greatly to your recreational opportunities. You can hike, camp, ride horseback, and enjoy this area to your heart's content. This public trust land also means that you will not have to worry about area over-development.
Lot 404 is a corner lot, at the intersection of platted Apache Lane and Buckskin Drive. You will be near public land, state owned land is just across Apache Lane on its west side. Mineral Creek is less than half a mile to the west.
This is a beautiful area. You can camp or RV without restriction while holding the property for investment, or build your dream off grid home. There are no available utilities.
At this property you are surrounded with gorgeous views of the White Mountains, Cerro Hueco, and other cinder cone volcanoes to the south, some nearby hills to the east, and rolling plateaus in all other directions. There are restaurants, a market, grade school, golf course, gas station, and other businesses in Concho.
With a $294 initial payment ($99 down payment + $195 document fee) we will finance the balance for as little as $87.89 per month over 6 years. We do not run a credit check, everyone qualifies for financing.
Instead of financing you can choose to buy the property outright and receive a 10% cash discount.
For more information or to purchase, please click on the green Land Website button below.
Lot Maps & Attachments
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0.3 AC : $4K
1.2 AC : $9K
5 AC : $10K
0.2 AC : $7K
0.3 AC : $3K
1 AC : $4K
7.5 AC : $12K
7.5 AC : $15K
5 AC : $30K
0.3 AC : $3K
7.5 AC : $12K
10 AC : $20K