Where Summer Spends The Winter
Tucson, AZ 85736
Pima County, Arizona
Lot Description
Subdivision: Diamond Bell Ranch Tucson Unit 12
Street Address: N/A, near Beamer Rd, Tucson, AZ 85736
State: Az
COUNTY: Pima County, Az
Zip: 85736
Size: 1.06 acres
LOT Dimensions: 234 feet (Northern Leg) x 207 feet (Eastern Leg) x 207 feet (Southern Leg) x 212 feet (Western Leg)
Apn: 301-70-1960
Legal Description: Lot 196, Diamond Bell Ranch-Tucson Unit 12 according to Book 21, of Maps, page 81, records of Pima County, Arizona. Except all coal and other minerals as reserved in the Patent from the United States of America.
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 31.966820, -111.311239
Ne: 31.966623, -111.310535
Sw: 31.966269, -111.311386
Se: 31.966091, -111.310750
Elevation: 3,297 ft
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $85 per year
ZONING: Cr-1 (Single Residence) zone - Site built, manufactured & tiny home homes are allowed. No minimum home size requirement but, must be a residence with living space and area to do cooking. No time limit to build. Camping, RV's and mobile homes are only permitted after the issuance of a building permit for a residence. Permit allows for 1 year while a house is being built. A 180 day extension may be applied for through public hearing with the Board of Adjustment (may or may not be approved). Contact Pima County Planning and Zoning Department for any additional details.
ACCESS: Property can be accessed via W Beamer Rd.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
Lot Maps & Attachments
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2.5 AC : $23K
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2.5 AC : $10.9K
2.1 AC : $16.5K
0.2 AC : $11.6K
10 AC : $11.9K
5 AC : $14.2K
1.5 AC : $18.5K
1.5 AC : $18.2K
2.5 AC : $22K
0.6 AC : $19.8K