Own a Piece of Arizona Heaven
Sanders, AZ 86512
Apache County, Arizona
Lot Description
Subdivision: Arizona Park Estates New Sanders Townsite
STREET Address: N/A, near Sanders, AZ 86512
State: Az
COUNTY: Apache County, Az
Zip: 86512
Size: 1.0 acres
LOT Dimensions: 128 feet x 358 feet
Apn: 207-63-140
Legal Description: Lot 140, Arizona Park Estates, New Sanders Townsite, as shown on the plat thereof recorded in Book 4 of Townsite Maps, page 28, Apache County, Arizona.
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 35.204371, -109.336399
Ne: 35.204357, -109.335982
Sw: 35.203401, -109.336403
Se: 35.203384, -109.335986
Elevation: 5,827 ft
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $28 per year
ZONING: Agricultural General - No time limit to build. No restrictions on dwelling size. You can build anything for residential purposes such as Single Family, Mobile or Manufactured home. Camping & RV's are okay as well (permits required for long-term stay, more than 30 days). RV's should be at least four hundred (400) square feet, constructed to be towed on its own chassis and designed so as to be installed with or without a permanent foundation for human retail occupancy and/or dwelling residence. Camping in an RV's must be inspected by the Planning and Zoning office to ensure all plumbing and electrical is in working order prior to application approval. It could long term as long as it was approved by the Apache Health Office. Please contact the Apache County Planning & Zoning Dept. through Devin Brown.
Flood Zone: Yes
ACCESS: There is a dirt road on the Northern portion of the lot.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: The nearest power post is approx 1000 feet away from the lot. Power could also be by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
Lot Maps & Attachments
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2.5 AC : $23K
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2.1 AC : $16.5K
2.5 AC : $10.9K
0.2 AC : $11.6K
10 AC : $11.9K
5 AC : $14.2K
1.5 AC : $18.5K
1.5 AC : $18.2K
2.5 AC : $22K
0.6 AC : $19.8K