Start Small, Dream Big
Willcox, AZ 85643
Cochise County, Arizona
Lot Description
Owner Financing:
- $50 down (plus the $250 doc fee)
- $50 down $50/Mo for 36 months (plus prorated taxes and $10/Mo note maintenance fee)
Explore Willcox, a city in Cochise County, Arizona. The city is located in the Sulphur Springs Valley, a flat and sparsely populated drainage basin dotted with seasonal lakes. Enjoy being surrounded by Arizona's most prominent mountain ranges, including the Pinaleño Mountains and the Chiricahua Mountains.
The property is in a Flood Zone A, which means the area has a 1% annual chance of flooding and a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage. There is a proposed road on the northern and western portion of the lot, but it is not built yet. Your lot has no time limit to build and you can build anything for residential purposes. While you can set up camp, permanent RV's or mobile homes are a no go. Utilities are powered by solar, wind or generator, and you can set up satellite tv along with your cellular phone service. Set up septic and a well and you're good to go.
Subdivision: Twin Lakes Country Club
STREET Address: N/A, near Willcox, AZ 85643
State: Az
COUNTY: Cochise County
Zip: 85643
Size: 0.25 acres +/-
Lot Dimensions: 97 feet (Northern Leg 1) x 97 feet (Northern Leg 2) x 136 feet (Eastern Leg) x 136 feet Western Leg) x 32 feet (Southern Leg)
Apn: 203-58-667
Legal Description: Twin Lakes Country Club Unit 12 Lot 6427 in Cochise County, Az
Lat/Long Coordinates:
Nw: 32.238019, -109.836664
Ne: 32.238250, -109.836198
Sw: 32.237835, -109.836284
Se: 32.237873, -109.836212
Elevation: 4,160 ft
ANNUAL Taxes: Approx. $24 per year
ZONING: Residential - Temporary occupancy of one RV in conjunction with a permitted principal use up to six months in a calendar year with a required Temporary Use Permit; stays of 15-consecutive days or less do not require a permit. Any building/use permit issued shall be valid without renewal, for a period of 24 months; however, the County Zoning Inspector may, upon written request of the permittee prior to the expiration of the permit, extend the time limit for the permit once for an additional 12-months provided substantial progress has been made. You can build anything for residential purposes such as Single Family, Mobile or Manufactured home. Please contact Cochise County Planning & Zoning for additional information.
Flood Zone A: Areas with a 1% annual chance of flooding and a 26% chance of flooding over the life of a 30-year mortgage. Because detailed analyses are not performed for such areas; no depths or base flood elevations are shown within these zones.
ACCESS: There is a proposed road on the Northern and Western portion of the lot but it was not yet built.
WATER: Would be a well, water haul and holding tank or other similar option
SEWER: Would be by Septic
UTILITIES: Power by solar, wind or generator, Phone by cellular, satellite Tv/Internet/Phone
They have an opt out option where you can build what you want without inspection but it has to be au4 or something zoning on 4 or more acres. They allow composting also.
Lot Maps & Attachments
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0.2 AC : $11.6K
2.5 AC : $10.9K
2.1 AC : $16.5K
10 AC : $11.9K
5 AC : $14.2K
1.5 AC : $18.2K
1.5 AC : $18.5K
2.5 AC : $22K
0.6 AC : $19.8K