Large Cul-De-Sac Lot
19548 Wildwood Pl : Cottonwood, CA 96022
Tehama County, California
Lot Description
This well-established area gives you the luxury of enjoying outdoor living year round. There are four distinct seasons of mild temperatures. There are a variety of desert plants that line the property. Just less than a mile away from the Lake California Airport and just 2 miles from the Sacramento River, this is a perfect rural location. The small community of Cottonwood is just 4 miles away. Owner financing available.
Property Number: 10080
Size: 0.46 acres
Road Access: Paved Road
Slope Description: Rolling
Legal Description: Lot 243 RLR SUB 2
Dimensions: 175' x 54' x 170' x 45' x 125'
Zoning: Residential
Zoning Code: R-1 ( Single-Family Residential )
Zoning Definition: R-1 ( Single-Family Residential ): Single-Family dwelling permitted. Minimum front yard, fifty feet from the centerline of roadway or twenty feet from the property line, whichever is greater; Minimum Side Yards. Side yards shall total not less than twenty percent of the lot width, and no side yard may be less than six feet; three feet shall be added to each required side yard for each story above the first story of any building; the side yard on the street side of each corner lot shall not be less than ten feet; Minimum rear yard, twenty feet. Min Lot size 5,000 sq ft. Building height limit, two and one-half stories, but not to exceed thirty-five feet. Maximum main building coverage, forty percent of lot area.
Lot Maps & Attachments
Directions to Lot
Redding, California
Continue to I-5 S. Take exit 2A from CA-44 E
3 min (1.9 mi)
Follow I-5 S to Bowman Rd in Tehama County. Take exit 662 from I-5 S
14 min (15.8 mi)
Take Lake California Dr to Wildwood Pl
11 min (5.9 mi)
Sharp left onto Bowman Rd
0.3 mi
Turn right onto Lake California Dr
5.0 mi
Turn left onto River View Dr
0.5 mi
Turn left onto Wildwood Pl
476 ft
More Lot Details
Lot Price History
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